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ADB approves 21 mln USD grant to expand clean energy supply in Tajikistan

MANILA, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) — The Asian Development Bank (ADB) Tuesday said it has approved a grant of 21 million U.S. dollars as additional financing to expand the supply of renewable energy in Tajikistan by further modernizing a hydropower plant.
The additional financing will replace the power generation unit 4 at the Golovnaya hydropower plant. Unit 4, which was not part of the ADB’s original project approved in 2013, ceased operations in 2019 due to damage in its mechanical equipment.
The ADB’s original project provided a grant of 136 million dollars to replace five of the plant’s six power generation units.
With the hydropower plant’s modernization, its installed capacity will increase from 240 megawatts in 2012 to 274 megawatts by 2026, the Manila-based bank said. ■
